Monday, December 31, 2012

7 Reasons why 2012 was so smashingly good for me

And why was 2012 so smashing good?
  1. I have completed 2 years in post-revolution Egypt.  Surprisingly, the 2nd year has been even tougher than the first. This year I discovered hidden strengths which I never realised existed. I have developed such a steely resolve now that apparently the steel is even reflected in my hair.
  2. I read Ben Graham's "Security Analysis" cover to cover - twice.  Visitors to my house thought my reading of this book was connected to the security situation in Egypt.
  3. I had the opportunity to visit several police stations in Cairo. It is rumoured now that policemen spring to their feet and salute me and speak in hushed tones when I pass them on the street
  4. I had a quarrel with the "Pehla" cable TV chaps over subscription rates and they disconnected my cable.  So now-a-days I come home, switch on the TV and watch a black screen - I find that even more entertaining 
  5. I thought I will give myself a break from my own bachelor cooking and ate out at the recently opened Indian restaurant in my neighbourhood - and then I realised how much I missed my own cooking 
  6. I play so much of the harmonium now that the neighbours checked with my maid whether I was banished from my country because of my music.  They no longer come to borrow sugar.
  7. I won the bet with my Egyptian driver on who will win the Egyptian Presidential Elections. 
And there has to be an 8th reason (7 sounded so much better for the title)

8.      I finally learnt and have started using the Arabic for "Today" - otherwise the only word I knew and heard was "Bukrah" (tomorrow)
    I have a feeling next year is going to be even better!

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