Friday, August 24, 2012

Egypt Luxor Cruise - worth doing it again?

So many places to see in this world and so little time and money - is it worth repeating places that you had  already visited?

There are a few historical destinations that are worth a repeat visit.  The Taj Mahal in Agra is definitely one such destination - every visit exposes you to a different facet of the magnificent mausoleum.  The other historical destinations worth re-visiting are the ancient temples of Egypt in Aswan and Luxor.

We are just back from such a visit - our previous visit was 7 years ago. This time we did this during peak summer - and got virtually baked under the 45 degree heat.

I am glad on hind-sight that we did this again - everytime I see these magnificient temples (most of which are more than 4000 years old), I am amazed at what this ancient civilization achieved - and about how mortal even the most powerful civilization is.  As usual we ended up taking a lot of photographs - but unfortunately photos do not do any justice to the scale and grandeaur of these temples.

So to all those who have already made the Aswan-Luxor trip once: please do it again.  You will pick up details which you had completely missed out in your 1st visit - and your appreciation for this culture - even if you are not a history buff - would go up manifold. And of course if you combine it with a Nile Cruise, then you could also chill out taking in the beautiful Nile scenery.

However, please do it between October-March - pleasant weather does indeed enable one to study the details better.

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